Sit back and let us do all the work for you
Sit back, we'll do the work for you We deliver a user-friendly benefits administration experience for you and your plan members
We can handle whatever group benefits administration support you need — at all times and especially during busy periods like enrolment
All Canadians
- Made by Canadians for Canadians. We understand your business completely
- Our team speaks your language - Technology and Group benefits
Tailored to all plan designs & needs
- Whether it is traditional, flex plans or Hours banking, no plan gets left behind
- Scale up, scale down or anywhere in between
- We can do all the plan member administration work for you, from hire to retire
- Take advantage of CWI's flagship platform iBenefits platform
Technology that keeps up
- We offer flexible and intuitive benefits administration system backed up by reliable, real-time service that makes every benefit dollar count
- Continuous technology updates that keep up with the ever-changing Canadian benefits landscape
- All quarterly releases do not require any cost!
The GreenShield Advantage
- Seamless integration with all GreenShield products like SMARTspend, Claim Watch and DATAleap
- You have access to GreenShield's claims management expertise powered by GreenShield's dynamic, rules-based, and fully-integrated claims adjudication system
- Unique offerings like GreenShield's Digital Health Clinic support plan members to manage and improve both their physical and mental